Why Taking Break From Social Media is Necessary

Ankit Kumar
4 min readOct 9, 2022


I was on Social Media Since 2014

In 2020, When I looked at my phone, I found that I’m looking at social Medias more than any other app on my phone.

I spent more than 6 hours on Social Media, Scrolling Insta feeds, checking every notification, tagging friends in memes, editing photos for posts, and sometimes even talking to strangers. I was on different social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat. I didn’t have friends to talk to, as most friends live near my house, so I never needed to text.

On social media, I was just sharing memes and scrolling feeds, watching videos. I did this unnecessary tasks for almost Four years. Quite an algorithm they have for you so you stick to their platform for longer, and now it is more devloped.

You go on youtube watching a single video related to the topic you want but you end up watching more than one. Our mind don’t feel satisfied and thinks that there might be more info in next video. Sometimes the next video we watch is for fun, and we end spending one Hour where we needed only 30 mins.

Social media

I observed my daily uses and I found that I had no fun. I was soo annoyed by those stupid girlfriends and boyfriend statuses, those food pics they ate on Monday and then they keep uploading them the whole month, and those traveling pics of posing with different people’s bikes for the photo shoot and those soo edited pics were no fun to me.

I decided to delete my every social media accounts for good, and I did this. For two months, I was okay! No need to have them, and then I got the urge to download them again. I tried going hard on myself not to download them, but I ended up downloading them again, but I used those social media ids for like 1 or 2 weeks, and then I deleted them again, and this happened every two or three months until i Made up my mind.

After a year, I finally made up my mind and left them for good. I left them for almost two years, and In those years, I found many interesting things about myself. I started to watch meaningful things in my life; now, I’m more involved in the physical world than on The Internet. I found that social media were not necessary for me, and I started reading books again.
Recently I read two books that was “crushing it” and “Show Your Work”, and it made me think about social media again and taught me that it was never made for doing stupid things. People are making their living showing their work on it. Many book bloggers, Sports bloggers, Influencers, designers, and many other skills that are valuable for industries; are making themselves a brand on social media by uploading their kinds of Stuff.


In both of these books they talked alot about how we can leverage our skills on internet and can make some serious cash from it. They showed different examples for making our beliefs strong and also talked about how many people think that making money online is an easy task and they get on the internet and left as soon as they found that things are not working. In these books they talked that making your presence online takes time “treat it as you are pursuing a degree in some sector that will take two or three years.” It is same as your academy if you dont do your work properly then it will be hard.

It is not as easy as many people think. Many platforms are close to saturation and you need to work hard for making your presence online.

I am also a Runner and reader. Why I should not upload these things of myself on the internet was not a question. So, Recently I made my social media for uploading Book stuff and running posts. I see that Instareels are booming. Even a stupid video can get thousands of views there. As I am not addicted to it, and I came on Social media to make a presence, not as another consumer.

I am on Internet to show my work. Things are a lot more fun than they were when I was addicted to random stuffs of Internet.

In a constantly evolving world, I am trying not to lose myself in that crowd. Books are the hands that are holding me in this ever-evolving world for guidance, and I will hang on to it till my death.

Happy Reading,

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Ankit Kumar

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