From a failure to Success, the Journey of Electric Vehicles

Ankit Kumar
2 min readOct 7, 2022


EVs are not some new technology. Long before Elon musk, there were other companies that introduced Evs.

In 1897, a guy called Albert Pope presented the Columbia Motor Carriage, one of the first commercial electric cars. Americans loved it, but it got failed because of the battery. Batteries were not that efficient- they were too heavy and with less capacity.

Electric car: Columbia Motor Carriage

In the 1970s, when the oil crisis had people, we started Looking for an alternative energy source, and EVs were introduced. Still, battery technology had not progressed much, so they faced the same consequences. Repairs were challenging. Recharging them again was a hassle, so these e-vehicles were not convenient, and they failed to make an impact.

Fossil-fuel-based vehicles were much more convenient for people as they could get their fuel from anywhere and get their car repaired by any vehicle mechanic.

Now 2022, We have batteries of higher quality Li-ion that can store a considerable amount of electricity with a compact design.

Li-ion batteries are the reason for this revolution. We have several companies which are building high-quality EVs. Tesla is ranking above all others in terms of quality.

Electric vehicle from Tesla

We are also facing environmental issues that are also a push and making governments worry. Governments are pushing different schemes for the promotion of EVs in their Nation for stopping pollution. In Norway, there is a tax reduction on e-vehicles, so EVs are much more convenient for consumers to buy than other fossil-fuel types. Other countries are providing subsidies for e-vehicles.

Everyone wants to own an electric vehicle. EVs are a necessity now. People are ditching regular motors for EVs as they are cost-efficient and friendly to nature. People are also worried about the Fossil-fuels as they are present in limited amounts.

Currently, only 1.5% of the total vehicle count is EVs. It is expected that before 2030, It will be up to 52%.



Ankit Kumar

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